ORION BEERFESTGet Together With All Beer Lovers.
One of Okinawa's favorite summertime traditions, the Orion Beer Fest attracts tens of thousands of people every year. Beer-lovers gather for the big event to enjoy fresh beer while enjoying great music. It's a fun event for everyone, where you can meet and make friends. Free admission.
The Orion Beer Fest in Taiwan is becoming a familiar annual event. Every year, we're seeing a bigger turnout than the last. Artists from Okinawa join in on the fun and provide great music, so come join us in front of the stage. Raise your cup of Orion and salute, and enjoy a great time with the local Taiwanese people.
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In Okinawa City
Saturday, August 24 - Sunday, August 25, 2019 at Okinawa City Koza sports Park.